
Conclave is a section-wide event where we invite all our members to join us in training and fellowship. During our annual Conclave, we have training opportunities available from Dutch Oven cooking to the history of the order. We also have fun activities for all our members, no matter their activity level, to participate.

We are looking forward to having you join us at Camp Alaflo in the spring!

Section E4 Event Rotation

2024 – Cowikee Lodge – April 12-14
2025 – Woa Cholena Lodge – April 11-13
2026 – Ti’ak Lodge – April 10-12
2027 – Yustaga Lodge – April 9-11
2028 – Sebooney Okasucca Lodge  – April 21-23
2029 – Ashwanchi Kinta Lodge – April 13-15

E4orce Training Day
January 20, 2024
January 25, 2025
January 24, 2026
January 23, 2027
January 22, 2028
January 20, 2029